
Supporting Businesses, Any Scale, Any Sector.




Ensuring Strict Confidentiality

Confidential Policy

Under regulations an employment agency or employment business must not disclose any information about a work-seeker without his/her prior consent unless it is to provide work-finding services for that work seeker; for the purposes of any legal proceedings (including arbitration); or in the case of a work-seeker, who is a member of a professional body, the provision of information to that professional body. The only exceptions to this would be where the agency or employment business is allowed under provisions of the Employment Agencies Act, these Regulations or any other piece of legislation dealing with the disclosure of information such as, the Data Protection Act 1998, to disclose confidential information about a work-seeker.

Regulation provides that an employment agency must not disclose information relating to a work-seeker to any current employer without the prior consent of the work-seeker. If the work-seeker gives consent and then withdraws it, the agency or employment business cannot consider itself to have the work-seeker′s prior consent. In addition, it may not make the provision of its services to that work-seeker conditional upon him/her either giving his/her consent or agreeing not to withdraw it once it has been given.

We maintain the privacy and security of the personal information of our clients and candidates. By registering with our company; candidates allow us to send their information to clients in a confidential manner.

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Ensuring Strict Confidentiality

Confidential Policy

Under regulations an employment agency or employment business must not disclose any information about a work-seeker without his/her prior consent unless it is to provide work-finding services for that work seeker; for the purposes of any legal proceedings (including arbitration); or in the case of a work-seeker, who is a member of a professional body, the provision of information to that professional body. The only exceptions to this would be where the agency or employment business is allowed under provisions of the Employment Agencies Act, these Regulations or any other piece of legislation dealing with the disclosure of information such as, the Data Protection Act 1998, to disclose confidential information about a work-seeker.

Regulation provides that an employment agency must not disclose information relating to a work-seeker to any current employer without the prior consent of the work-seeker. If the work-seeker gives consent and then withdraws it, the agency or employment business cannot consider itself to have the work-seeker′s prior consent. In addition, it may not make the provision of its services to that work-seeker conditional upon him/her either giving his/her consent or agreeing not to withdraw it once it has been given.

We maintain the privacy and security of the personal information of our clients and candidates. By registering with our company; candidates allow us to send their information to clients in a confidential manner.

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